Lelia N. Hawkins Publications



19. “Evidence for pyrazine-based chromophores in cloudwater mimics containing methylglyo铝和硫酸铵, “Hawkins, L.N., Welsh*, H.G., Alexander*, M.V., Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 18, 12413-12431. Available spectral data (Drive).

18. “Brown carbon pro氨或胺的还原n培养气溶胶颗粒 by reactive uptake of methylglyoxal和光解云循环,Environmental Science and Technology,” De Haan, D.O., Hawkins, L.N., Welsh*, H.G., Pednekar*, R., Casar*, J.R., Pennington*, E.A., de Loera*, A., Jimenez*, N.G., Pajunoja, A., Caponi, L., Cazaunau, M., Formenti, P., Gratien, A., Pangui, E., Doussin, J.F., 2017, 51, 7458-7466.

17. “气象和气溶胶对海洋微云的影响hysical properties,” Sanchez, K.J., Russell, L.M., Modini, R.L., Frossard, A.A., Ahlm, L., Corrigan, C.E., Roberts, G.C., Hawkins, L.N., Schroder, J.C., Bertram, A.K., Zhao, R., Lee, A.K.Y., Lin, J.J., Nenes, A., Wang, Z., Wonaschtz, A. Sorooshian, A., Noone, K.J., Jonsson, H., Toom, D., Macdonald, A.M., Leaitch, W.R., and Seinfeld, J.H., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016, 121, 4142-4161.

16. “Maillard c化学在云和水气溶胶作为大气的来源 humic-like substances,” Hawkins, L.N., Lemire*, A.N., Galloway, M.M., Corrigan*, A.L., Turley*, J.J., Es- pelien*, B.M., and De Haan, D.O., Environmental Science and Technology, 2016, 50, 7443-7452.

15. “初级海洋气溶胶云in在加利福尼亚海岸的互动,” Modini, R. L., Frossard, A.A., Ahlm, L., Russell, L.M., Corrigan, C.E., Roberts, G.C., Hawkins, L.N., Schroder, J.C., Bertram, A.K., Zhao, R., Lee, A.K.Y., Abbatt, J.P.D., Lin, J., Nenes, A., Wang, Z., Wonaschtz, A., Sorooshian, A., Noone, K.J., Jonsson, H., Seinfeld, J.H., Toom-Sauntry, D., Macdonald, A.M., Leaitch, W.R., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2015, 120, 9, 4282.

14. “F半固态、低聚水S的形成OA: Lab Simulations of Cloud Processing,” Hawkins, L.N., Baril*, M.J., Sedehi*, N., Galloway, M.M., De Haan, D.O., Schill, G.P., and Tolbert, M.A., Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 48, 2273-2280.

13. “云分区ocy有机酸(HNCO)和二恶英的证据na .高分子量co的主要来源mbient air,” Zhao, R., Lee, A.K.Y., Wentzell, J.J.B., Mcdonald, A.M., Toom-Sauntry, D., Leaitch, W.R., Modini, R.L., Corrigan, A.L., Russell, L.M., Noone, K.J., Schroder, J.C., Bertram, A.K., Hawkins, L.N., Abbatt, J.P.D., and Liggio, J., Geophysical Research Letters, 2014, 41(19), 6962-6969.

12. “Brown carb论水相车的形成bonyl comp与胺和硫酸铵的反向反应,” Powelson, M.H.*, Espelien*, B.M., Hawkins, L.N., Galloway, M.M., and De Haan, D.O., Environmental Science and Technology, 2013, 48, 985-993.

11. “EvWRF-Chem气溶胶在东南地区的间接效应评价 Pacific marine stratocumulus during VOCALS-REx,” Saide, P.E., Spak, S.N., Carmichael, G.R., Mena-Carrasco, M.A., Yang, Q., Howell, S., Leon, D.C., Snider, J.R., Bandy, A.R., Collett, J.L., Benedict, K.B., de Szoeke, S.P., Hawkins, L.N., Allen, G., Crawford, I., Crosier, J., and Springston, S.R., A大气化学与Physics, 2012, 12, 3045-3064.

10. “东南太平洋大气硫循环的纵向分布, vertical profile, 在VOCALS-REx期间观察到的昼夜变化,” Yang, M.B., Huebert, J., Blomquist, B.W., Howell, S.G., Shank, L.M., McNaughton, S.C., Clarke, A.D., Hawkins, L.N., Russell, L.M., Covert, D.S., Coffman, D.J., Bates, S., Quinn, P.K., Zagorac, N., Bandy, A.R., de Szoeke, S.P., Zuidema, P.D., Tucker, S.C., Brewer, W.A., Benedict, K.B., and Collett, L.J., A大气化学与Physics, 2011, 11, 5079-5097.

9. “Inv调查海洋偏远地区有机气溶胶负荷nvironment,” Lapina, K.C. Heald, L., Spracklen, D.V., Arnold, S.R., Allan, J.D., Coe, H., McFiggans, G., Zorn, S.R., Drewnick, F., Bates, T.S., Hawkins, L.N., Russell, L.M. Smirnov, A., ODowd, C.D., and A. J. Hind, A.J., A大气化学与Physics, 2011, 11, 8847-8860.

8. “F氮- co的形成ntaining Oligomers by Methylglyoxal and Amines in Simulated Evaporating Cloud Droplets,” De Haan, D., Hawkins, L.N., Kononenko*, J., Turley*, J.J., Corrigan*, A., Tolbert, M.A., and Jimenez, J.L., Environmental Science and Technology, 2011, 45, 984-991.

7. “Oxidation of ketone groups in transp从2008年的北加州光中分离出生物质燃烧气溶胶htning Series fires,” Hawkins, L.N. and Russell, L.M., Atmospheric Environment, 2010, 44(34), 4142-4154.

6. “Polysaccharides, Proteins, and Phytoplankton Fragments: F化学性质不同 Typ海洋初级有机气溶胶的分类 by Single Particle Spectromicroscopy,” Hawkins, L.N. and Russell, L.M., Advances in Meteorology, 2010, vol. 2010, 61213.

5. “Carbohydrate-Like Composition of Submicron Atmospheric Particles and their Pro海洋泡沫破裂的演绎,” Russell, L.M., Hawkins, L.N., Frossard, A.A., Quinn, P.K., and Bates, T.S., Pro国家科学院的会议纪要my of Sciences, 2010, 107 (15) 6652.

4. “大陆有机加工中的羧酸、硫酸盐和有机硫酸盐. 在VOCALS-REx 2008期间,东南太平洋上空的气溶胶,” Hawkins, L.N., Russell, L.M., Covert, D.S., Quinn, P.K., and Bates, T.S., Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010, 115, D13201.

3. “Organic aerosol characterization by complementary measurements of chemical b键和分子片段nts,” Russell, L.M., Bahadur, R., Hawkins, L.N., Allan, J., Baumgardner, D., Quinn, K.P., and Bates, T.S., Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43, 6100-6105.

2. “直接排放的有机气溶胶的含氧分数和质量与大气pro在R/V罗纳德Br上测量的间隙own during TEXAQS/ GoMACCS 2006,” Russell, L.M., Takahama, S., Liu, S., Hawkins, L.N., Covert, Quinn, P.K., and Bates, T.S., Journal of Geophysical Research, 2009, 114.

1. “18有机和e的均匀颗粒-液滴分配lemental components measured in and below DYCOMS-II stratocumulus clouds, “Hawkins, L.N., Russell, L.M., Twohy, C.H., and Anderson, J.R.,Journal of Geophysical Research, 2008, 113, D14201.

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