Harvey Mudd College 奖s Two Mudd Prizes


Harvey Mudd College recognized two recipients this year for its Henry T. Mudd Prize, an award that celebrates extraordinary service. The honor was announced at the College’s 毕业典礼 ceremony, May 12.

获奖者可获得6美元奖金,000, $3,000 of which is designated for use within the College at the discretion of the recipient.

Zach 多兹, Leonhard-Johnson-Rae Professor of 计算机科学

多兹, a faculty member at Harvey Mudd for 25 years, researches robotic hand/eye coordination and computer vision-based robotics and specializes in computer science education and curriculum design. He co-developed the College’s ground-breaking CS5 course, serving as principal investigator and co-PI on a number of projects funded by the National Science Foundation, as well as improving curricular design in computer science nationally. He was lauded for his focus on student success in and out of the classroom—mentoring and advising students, 鼓励创业, overseeing summer research—and for his dedication to the intellectual development, emotional well-being and all-around success of students.

His efforts to improve K-12 计算机科学 education include co-founding the MyCS Middle-years 计算机科学 program, which provides computer science curriculum to students in school districts that serve populations underrepresented in CS.

In response to winning the award, 他说, “It was both exciting and thought-provoking, 尤其是, because the surprise was shared with the Class of 2024! Our graduating class has just shared the most surprising, unconventional and memorable of the four-year journeys I‘ve overlapped at Mudd.”

Wendy Menefee-Libey, Senior Director of 学习项目

在接受Mudd奖时, Menefee-Libey, 谁这个月退休, 说, “This has been the thrill of a lifetime.”

Menefee-Libey joined the staff in 2000 as director of learning programs, 后来成为高级主管. As director of the Writing Center and Academic Excellence Program, 梅内菲-利比创造了一种温暖, welcoming space where students from all disciplines can develop the critical and analytical tools to become clear and forceful communicators. In addition to the student writing consultants, she oversaw trained peer tutors, who facilitate workshops for HMC’s Core technical courses. She was recognized for “working tirelessly to ensure student success, confidence and joy in learning.”

She helped create and maintain Writ 1, the College’s interdisciplinary writing course, part of a campus-wide effort to develop writing and critical inquiry skills and provide students with effective writing strategies and conventions that apply across disciplines. The course brings together faculty from every department to teach writing to every first-year student, building a rich foundation of shared language and creating a community of scholars who can confidently defend intellectual claims. 她强调了令状1, with co-author and HMC colleague Laura Palucki Blake, in the 2017 Association of American Colleges and Universities Peer Review article “How Writing Contributes to Learning: New Findings from a National Study and Their Local Application.